Old Scholars Association
The Wartburg Kirchdorf School was born of a vision where the parents sought to establish a school for their children. Through the years, that vision has not waned. Those parents of yesteryear have seen their children finish their schooling, become parents, and have children of their own. And so the Wartburg Old Scholars Association was born and became an integral part of the school, supporting the school and their children to keep the vision of "Dennoch Fest und Frei" alive.
As the Wartburg Old Scholars Association, we still subscribe to this belief, understanding that our children, growing up and being schooled in our local school within our beautiful town and community, will become well-rounded, resolute members of society, fully equipped to be of worth and substance in their communities.
The Wartburg Old Scholars Association fulfils its role of providing help and assistance to the school and its members through a small yet passionate committee. The committee is tasked with raising funds through any means possible, but primarily through the annual Wartburg School Golf Day held at Noodsberg Country Club, and to use those funds to see to any needs the Wartburg School might have. The association also finds much pleasure in being invited to have a co-opted seat on the school's governing body.
If you, as an old scholar, would like to be kept up to date with the current news and happenings at the school, then make sure to follow our Facebook page or Instagram account. You can find the links to them below. Alternately, send your details, including your maiden name (if applicable) and the years you attended WKS, to wartburgoldscholars@gmail.com.